Affiliate Link Disclaimer

Affiliate links help pay for the upkeep, website hosting and associated costs for Player Spec. Not all links to external sites found on the site are affiliate links, and we have only chosen affiliates that we feel offer the best variety for you.

We also don’t want to make any readers feel pressured into buying anything from any of the sites we link to at any point; as long as you find the website and the content on it helpful, then we’ve achieved what we’ve set out to do.

What is an affiliate link?

When writing about gear (be it an instrument, amp, pedal, strings etc.) we may link to one or several external sites that sell the item. These links often contain tracking code that tells the seller whether visitors directed to them by Player Spec have purchased anything. If so, we get a small proportion of the sale amount.

The price that you pay doesn’t increase, and you don’t need to do anything when you make your purchase.

Our partners

At present we participate in partnership schemes with the following websites: